Arvon Township School collects only 13 mills of non-homestead tax. Many schools in Michigan collect 18 mills plus additional mills for debt retirement/sinking funds
Homestead property owners pay NO taxes which directly operate Arvon Township School. All taxpayers pay 6 mills for the State Education Tax, a tax which goes directly to the State of Michigan and funds most schools. Arvon receives none of this money as our local non-homestead tax of 13 mills is sufficient to operate the school
If our school closed and annexed to another school district, our non-homestead taxpayers would pay 18 mills of taxes, an increase of five mills
Other local schools have additional debt retirement/sinking funds which ALL taxpayers must pay (homestead and non-homestead). L’Anse School District collects approximately 3.8 extra mills and Baraga School District 3 mills through 2024. If Arvon Township School annexed to one of these districts, our taxes could increase significantly
Arvon Township School receives no state aid for operational purposes. Our primary operating millage comes from non-homestead local taxes. Extra federal grant funds supply additional revenue. We have no building projects which require a debt retirement millage
In summary: If our school closed and we annexed to another local district our non-homestead taxpayers could pay an additional 8-9 mills and our homestead taxpayers an additional 3-4 mills
If Arvon Township School had only one student, it would still benefit the taxpayers to stay open